Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thoughts about Brands & Valentine's Day

It is the the thought that counts. But, it has to be the right thought presented in the right way. This leads us to brands that help us reduce the risk of going astray. That is, after all, what the best brands do.

This Hallmark commercial for Valentine's Day demonstrates how the simple gesture of a greeting card becomes a gift of a lifetime with the assistance of a valued brand.

This commercial was done by Y&R New York in 1984.

Copyright © 2009 by John Eighmey. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Great commercial. The problem I see with Hallmark is that they are TOO good and too strong and dominant of a brand. Giving a Hallmark card could mean, "I put in as little effort as possible. I didn't even have to think of something nice to say -- just signed my name."

    Especially with the proliferation and availability of handmade cards from independent artists (e.g., perhaps Hallmark might have a small challenge.

  2. As you point out, it would be risky to rely on just an "articulation strategy" and today it is key to being seen as being more than just "in the midst" of the latest information technology. It is important to lead...perhaps they should have invented FaceBook.
