Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brand Insistence

The Arab Dairy Products Company is based in the Heliopolis district of Cairo, Egypt. 

Their corporate website speaks of the natural taste of cheese from master cheese makers who combine the “handed-down, age-old cheese-making tradition with the best of modern technology, preserving the original taste while complying with stringent hygiene controls.”

Panda is their brand name for a line of mozzarella cheese products. It comes in grated form, cheese blocks, and Insalata Caprese – combining mozzarella, tomato, basil and olive oil.

The taste is said to be “delightfully fresh.”

So is their advertising.  Here’s a series of spots in their current campaign.

This campaign is both strategically smart and creatively brilliant. Many thanks go to Marv Waldman for letting me know about this advertising.

Copyright © 2010 by John Eighmey. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Get in the Game

This intersection of smartphone apps, advergames and promotional give-aways takes audience involvement to a new level.

This Mini Stockholm smartphone app places "advergames" in hands of the audience and invites them into a real world brand experience.

The advertising agency behind this viral, Jung von Matt Stockholm, promises to deliver "ideas with momentum."

Copyright © 2010 by John Eighmey. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sesame Street Turns to Online Spice

Sesame Street went viral on Friday. 


Parodies of popular video ideas can be productive ways to hitchhike on the success of others.  In this parody of the the highly successful Old Spice commercial that also went viral, Sesame Street shows strategic and creative smarts.

Of course the audience is parents, not children.  The video reminds them of the joyful experience that is Sesame Street and points vividly to its qualities as a teacher of children. It also teaches us that Sesame Street is online.

This viral commercial is "Spot ON."

Copyright © 2010 by John Eighmey. All Rights Reserved.