Since then, this perspective has been applied in turn to each new electronic medium. There is a litany of "uses" and "gratifications" including such as "escape," "surveillance or news," and "value reinforcement." Each new electronic medium has the potential to refine or add to our understanding of a vast field of audience benefits.
When it comes to Facebook, a somewhat recent and highly popular new electronic medium, what are the possible new benefits that users may derive?
Here is a typical kind of posting with follow-up comments found every day on Facebook.
Commonplace happenings are posted and can become the basis for a wider commentary. For a few moments, readers may smile and then add their own responses to what may become an evolving spontaneous narrative.
A simple posting becomes a "participatory observation" with its own narrative structure. This does seem to fit in the broad uses and gratifications category of "value reinforcement." Yet, the lightness of humor appears to bring a unique flavor to this benefit that we might call "Mood Modulation."
For more perspective on the Psychology of Advertising, please see Advertising and the Arc of History.
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